Thursday, January 21, 2010

California Concealed Carry Laws What Is The California Law About Carrying And Possessing A Firearm / Gun / Weapons Concealed Or Not?

What is the California law about carrying and possessing a firearm / gun / weapons concealed or not? - california concealed carry laws

I look at 30 days, Morgan Spurlock show, and he made an exhibition of weapons. The man from Ohio, I think, a permission of a firearm shall conseal. How it works in California?


Jerry H said...

Depends on where you live in California. Carrying modes is hidden California law, "May issue, which means that if a particular person is or is not up to you to thank for their local police chief (police chief or sheriff). In some countries than sweets. Many are completely irrelevant. Some are in the middle. In a few, I say, you can make a contribution of $ 5,000 to finance for sheriff campaign.

If they can provide valid get one, is all over the country, so far, but only the local CLEO.

It is technically open to legal implementation of an unloaded pistol in a holster. If you try to be, the officials of the local police probably find many other ways to make life miserable. It is stupid to do anyway. In California, the "relief" without ammunition available and useful. "Few things are less useful and unload dangerous for the owners of firearms carried openly. Not even good club.

Fatefing... said...

His condition is conceaed carry "May" issue, that is, unless you are related or the famous or a politician or aid **** your chance. Even if you have all the requirements they demand of all classes, who deny all evidence still visible. Statewide timetable and 500 per year. what, 60 + million people.

Ohio is "concerned" that means that after 12 hours or less of class issued, must undergo in order to obtain a certificate, e-mail with a copy or 2 (many states are 2, because there are so many "applications, the arrival ) to the overall financial statement (one correct me if I'm wrong), and lie after 2-3 months to get their refugee convention.

Open carry is prohibited for most in your country, it excpetions. Only a few places and the gun must be unloaded, be the independent newspaper. Open implementation of the state of many that it be made a weapon in a proper case, visible and can claim. You can not on public buildings, schools, 1,000 out of school (although no one had ever been to court if they were caught, unlessarrested, making for something else) and companies that the sign of the helpless victim of the window.

Glacierw... said...

Why should you ever need or want a gun in California Paradise man? I've been told is the absolute perfect society. Because no one should have guns - not murder, rape, robbery or drug problems.

Me - I live in Alaska. We have no gun laws. No permits. Everything that allow the federal license. Ok, it's a -, can not carry a concealed weapon in a court or State Building.

Sam S said...

California law allows open carry a weapon, fired, but I suspect much of the state, a lot of time to spend on the law with the officers. Concealed carry permits in May at the discretion of the sheriff of the county in which you reside. If I recall, the permit is valid only in this county.

1 of many G.O.A. said...

This page is open bear in California ...
And it is on the U.S. gun law
I think it is

Atheists Ruin Everything said...

I really suck in this state.

SBrosofA... said...

I thought it was illegal, unless it is something like a cop or FBI

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